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For 150 kr kjøper du en matpose til en fattig familie på Filippinene. 100 % av gavene går til formålet.

Innsamlingsaksjonen foregår i perioden 19. november – 24. desember. 



I 2006 startet Tone og Noralv Askeland innsamling for å hjelpe fattige familier på Filippinene. Siden 2008 har de hjulpet mange fattige familier med julekurver til jul.


Filippinene er det landet i verden som rammes flest ganger årlig av naturkatastrofer. Dette går hardest utover de fattige.


Julekurver til fattige har blitt en tradisjon der mange tusen mennesker har fått hjelp de siste årene. Hjelp til fattige er en viktig del av oppdraget med å forkynne evangeliet.

Our outreach in the Philippines is organized through Ministries Without Borders Philippines Inc (MWBPI) and is registered as an NGO (Non-Governmental organization) subject to Philippines law.


Tone and Noralv Askeland started the work in the Philippines in 2004 after a calling from God to reach out with the gospel of the Kingdom of God, with a particular focus on the poor of that land. Tone Askeland is a trained midwife and has worked among the poor in the Philippines for the past 20 years. Noralv Askeland had a background as founder and leader of Kristent Fellesskap Bergen before he was called to the work in Asia, which is based in the Philippines but includes several other countries.

Since 2004 they have built up significant activities in various parts of the Philippines, with local leadership mainly handed over to local leaders, and established maternity clinics and orphanages in cooperation with them. They have organized programmes helping with adoption, help finding ways to make one’s own livelihood, prison ministry, disaster relief, training and education services for the poor, bible schools and extensive church planting. They also do prison ministry together with Jan Eriksen from Street Ministries.


This NGO’s overall profile, focused on helping the poor and weaker groups, has earned the respect of the Philippine authorities.


MWBPI has 32 employees, involved in various kinds of operations. For example, in several parts of the Philippines they have an extensive work aimed at indigenous groups.

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